How would you describe your role?
I think of my job as a jack-of-all-trades role. I cover anything from scheduling, assisting with note taking, to helping to plan events. Wherever the CIO team has a need, I fluctuate to help out.
What attracted you to the role at Ridgeline?
Initially, I was drawn to Ridgeline because it’s a tech company, but not just your everyday, average kind of tech. I knew I wanted to transition out of the government role I was in, and this was a great mix between the tech job I wanted, while still having a hand in supporting the government. When I interviewed, I just really really liked the culture. I think I interviewed with about five people, but they were all super diverse and everyone was so nice. It just made me feel like, okay, I would feel comfortable working here.
How would you describe your team?
The CIO team is cohesive and very collaborative too, even though everybody does such different things. I know that on Monday, Wednesday, Fridays I have meetings with one team, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I’m meeting with another team. I get to circulate throughout and it’s good because I’m learning a lot.
How do you connect to Ridgeline’s mission?
I really like the Digital Signature Management component of our mission. I’d never heard of it before, and as I’ve been here, seeing what my team does and how important it is, I appreciate the way Ridgeline has found a way to provide such an important service to our customers.
What has been your biggest accomplishment so far?
I would say my biggest accomplishment so far has been organizing our Lunch-n-Tech get togethers. This started with just the CIO team getting together once a week at lunch time to listen to a presentation about a technical topic from someone on the team. I organize the logistics, plan the meetings, vet the slides, and get the word out. I’m really excited to see where it goes from here because we’ve expanded it to all of Ridgeline.
What benefits have you taken advantage of while you’ve been on the team?
I have started doing sessions with our performance coach which is really unique. I am also getting ready to sit down with two people from my leadership team who are getting me set up to take on a technical project of my own. I’m looking forward to talking with them about the ins and outs of the project and finding a way to make it great.
Is there anything about Ridgeline’s culture that stands out to you?
I think the happy hour events and the things we do together, those are really important. And, I’ve never worked for a company that seems to really put their employees and work-life balance first. Ridgeline does that.
What would you say to someone who’s interested in applying at Ridgeline?
Go for it! Really look at the benefits and the culture. What is put out there about Ridgeline has definitely been true since I came on. If you get the opportunity, apply and see if it’s the right fit for you.