How would you describe your role?
I run marketing and business development at Ridgeline. This consists of driving strategic growth, managing brand awareness, capturing new business, and bringing new partners, relationships, and customers to Ridgeline.
How would you describe your leadership style?
My job is to empower and motivate our employees to work towards a common goal. I strive to remove obstacles out of their way so that they can do the job and feel proud of the work they do. I focus on larger growth while encouraging individual team members to focus on their strengths and talents. I provide strategic guidance, mentorship, and motivation to help them be successful.
What’s something new that you’ve learned recently?
I’ve recently learned just how powerful ChatGPT is and how it’s disrupting almost every tech innovation company and will likely keep doing so for a long time going forward. I’m big into tech news because it keeps me up to date on industry trends – what’s going on in the world, what are the disruptors facing the tech industry, as well as new advances to help governments do their job better.
What’s something you’re excited to see grow or develop at Ridgeline right now?
I’ve seen a lot of movement in how we are professionalizing as a company. We’ve moved away from a startup mentality to more of a growth-mode company. We are defining our product lines, marketplace, and unique value proposition. We have a more structured hierarchy that allows us as a company to grow internally and have a better strategic presence out in the market. It’s impressive.
How would you describe Ridgeline’s culture?
Ridgeline is a family- and mission-first company, which is an exciting hybrid. We take care of our people. We look for ways to ensure that each individual is heard and treated fairly. But at the same time, we all have a strong desire to fulfill our mission, and many of us have close connections to our customers’ missions. We will go above and beyond to help our customers be successful.
How do you think we uniquely demonstrate value to our customers?
Our strength in Digital Signature Management and Ubiquitous Technical Surveillance is bar none. Our ability to understand our customers’ needs, take specific use cases and challenges, and apply unique technology and services to solve otherwise unsolvable problems is incredible. We are not a company to shy away from issues and missions that are hard and are willing to take on and solve very complex unique challenges.
What is your super power?
I am a strong collaborator and communicator who leads by example. I bring disparate groups together. I’m a networker. I can defuse situations that get a little too heated. I know that there are many more intelligent people than me in this company, but I can bring a depth of understanding of both the technical and the business sides to every engagement, translating the complexities to disparate groups.